August 2nd marked a milestone in Samantha's life - her first birthday. We were foturnate to have some of Shirley family present, namely Papa, Aunt Sandra and Uncle Roy, and Samantha's cousins Thomas and Taylor. The day before, August 1st, marked Thomas' 12th birthday, and the day that Thomas became a fully certified "Baby Sitter" having completed the required training earlier this year. After helping his dad change one of Samantha's poopy diapers we're not sure how long it will be before Thomas is ready to take on an infant by himself - if ever.
After 2 big family get-togethers last Friday and Saturday, Samantha's actual birthdate was considerably more low key, but didn't go without the required birthday cake which was shared by her and Thomas.

Samantha and her cousin Taylor kill some of the scorching heat in our backyard pool. Uncle Roy was doing Lifeguard duty.

Besides the gift of having some of the extended family come to visit, Samantha received a number of gifts from family and friends. She wasn't exactly sure what to do with all the packing materials, but will surely enjoy playing with all the toys and wearing the wonderful outfits that she received.
Samantha continues to develop at a rapid pace, and having her cousins around certainly helped.

Samantha and her cousin Thomas share her first birthday cake - but Samantha's not about to give up her Cheerio, which has become a food group of it's own.

Samantha's first hit of sugar had it's ups and downs - mostly ups.

She was really more into the chocolate cake than the icing.

Samantha has also gotten her first slide and swing set. It might be a little while before she's able to go down the slide by herself, but she does like the swing.

With everyone gone the house has become very quiet and Samantha is very sad that her cousins aren't around.
Mommy has decided that it's never too early to learn how to do laundry, but somehow I don't think that Samantha has quite figured it out yet.