We continue to see amazing progress with Samantha. With Shirley's family visiting, she's had the opportunity to interact with other people, especially her cousins Thomas, Taylor, Tyler and Aliya who are always on the look-out for ways to get her in trouble. Oh yeh, if we're talking about trouble we can't forget Auntie Lana who's constantly on the look-out for ways to stir the pot. Fortunately "Papa" is here as well, and he is still the head of the family.
Terry, Heidi, Tyler, Aliya and Lana flew in on Wednesday, but unfortunately were only able to stay until Sunday. Sandra, Roy, Thomas, Taylor and Papa showed up on Thursday and will be here until this coming Friday. The visit from the family is a welcome distraction for us, and the extra sets of hands are probably the things that we will remember most from their visit. We also can't undervalue their child raising experience and the wealth of knowledge they have passed over to us - you know what I'm talking about, the stuff every mother eventually comes to understand but you can't find in any book.
Samantha has been absolutely wonderful in large family gatherings and her few recent visits to restaurants. She's still challenged in long car rides, but I'm sure we'll get that worked out in time as well.
Anyway, enough of the words and on with some pictures.