Not giving up on the Ladybugs yet.
Just got back from Easter in Leamington - congratulations to our niece Lisa and her fiance Herman. Looking forward to your wedding on August 11. We couldn't be happier for the two of you.
Well, the rumour mills have been going full tilt over the weekend, everyone speculating what is happening. With the long weekend, "not much" seems to be the answer. There were a couple of people who posted their referrals, but that's nothing to speak about.
As you know, our logged-in-date is Oct. 26. Last month they provided referrals to those people whose logged-in-date was on or before Oct. 24. The rumour mill has it that this month they will only be moving forward to Oct. 26. TWO DAYS! If that is true, that is the shortest time frame we have ever seen - the shortest before was 3 days. The big thing to remember is that it's all still nothing more than rumour.
As we hear more, we'll be sure to post it right away.